It is important to study individual words in the Bible because they are keys that unlock the deeper meaning of the text. Even those words that are familiar may have a different definition in the original Hebrew or Greek.
For example, the word “sober” for us in the 21st century means not drunk, but in the Bible it means to be in your right mind, exercise self-control, and moderate as to opinion and passions.
When we infer our own understanding of the text, we come up with a different interpretation and application than God intended. Therefore it’s vital to actually study the Bible instead of just reading it.
Here are 10 simple steps to doing a biblical word study:
- Decide on a word.
- Define the word in a dictionary, and write synonyms and antonyms.
- Look up the word in a Bible study app like Blue Letter Bible.
- Click on the word and choose Interlinear/concordance.
- Then tap on the specific word for the Hebrew (OT)/Greek (NT) definition and usage.
- Write the scripture references and look them up.
- Read the context of the verse within the chapter and book. The most important thing to remember as you read!
- Compare scripture with scripture for a full understanding.
- Write out the biblical definition based on your study.
- Pray for God to reveal the doctrine and the application. Ask him “What does this mean?”, and “What does this mean to me?”.
An example of a simple Bible word study:
One fascinating word study I did was on the word ‘coat’ (s). As I studied it out, I discovered it was not just an item of clothing. The Lord gave me some interesting finds when I applied the 10 simple steps to do a Bible word study.
Some coats mentioned in the Bible:
- God made coats of skins and clothed Adam and Eve. (Gen. 3:21)
- Jacob made a coat of many colors for Joseph. (Gen. 37:3)
- Moses put coats of fine linen on Aaron and his sons for their service in the tabernacle as priests. (Lev.8:13)
- Nadab and Abihu got burned alive and carried out of the camp in their coats after offering strange fire in the tabernacle. (Lev.10:5)
- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were bound in their coats and thrown in the fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar. (Dan.3:21)
What can we learn by comparing scripture with scripture?
- The coats of skin that God made for Adam and Eve were a covering. They represent God covering sin with a bloody sacrifice, which points to the sacrifice of Jesus to make atonement for our sin.
- Jacob’s coat for Joseph shows his favoritism for his beloved son, as the Father’s love for his “beloved Son in whom he is well pleased.” The many colors of his coat may represent the many colors of skin that Jesus redeems.
- The Bible calls Moses’ coats for the priests as they served and sacrificed in the tabernacle, “holy linen coats” in Leviticus 16:4. They wrapped Jesus in fine linen after his death. The fine linen of the saints in New Jerusalem, called the “righteousness of the saints,” is the believer’s new heavenly attire. (Rev. 18:16, 19:8,14)
- Nadab and Abihu point us to the future fiery judgment on the Lost as they pretend to be believers. They wear the Christian garb, serve, preach in pulpits, but do not reverence the holiness and Lordship of Jesus Christ.
- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s coats could represent the covering of faith, righteousness, and redemption. They had faith that God would deliver them. He loosed them from their bonds and walked with them in the midst of the fiery furnace. God delivered them without a hair singed or a hint of smoke on them! This denotes the believer’s coat of faith that delivers us from the fiery trials of life.
Do Your Own Biblical Word Study
As you can see from the cross-references, a coat in the Bible is more than just outerwear. Coats represent God’s covering, our faith, and redemption. I am so immensely grateful that God removed my coat of sin and replaced it with His coat of righteousness.
This new coat allows me entrance into glory. There I will join ten thousands upon ten thousands, clothed in fine linen, in worship and praise to our mighty King.
You can discover wonderful truths like these as well when you apply the 10 simple steps to doing a Bible word study.
Happy studying!
2Timothy 2:15 KJV ~Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
3 Study Tips to Sweeten Bitter Scriptures
How to Study the Bible in 7 Simple Steps
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Pray With Confidence
Prayer for wisdom is vital as you study the Bible. If you would like to grow in your prayer life, then check out Pray with Confidence. It’s a website for helping women overcome prayer obstacles, and I am one of the regular contributors. Here are some articles I wrote that will help you along your journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ:
3 Short Prayers for Spiritual Stability
2 Things to Remember to Find Peace in Chaos
19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God
Check out the prayer resources, Bible verses, and tough questions tabs as well. There are so many great options to boost your spiritual growth!
Word studies…….”growing deeper” in God’s Word! Great exercise. Thanks for the steps!