The Unexpected Question: How is the Lord working in your life?

How many times have you ran into someone you know and had this verbal exchange-  “Hi, how are you?”, “Good, how are you?” or “Busy! How about you?”  It seems to be the standard conversation in our fast-paced culture.  But have you ever been asked an unexpected question that really makes you think?  Has someone asked you a question that requires more than a shallow response?

I was recently caught off guard by a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. Although, it shouldn’t have surprised me, because the Lord hears every thought of our hearts and word out of our mouths.


Here’s the scoop

You see, we had been at our old church for a missions conference where pastors and missionaries share how God is at work in their lives and ministries around the world.  I had told my husband that it’s awesome to hear those updates, but it was disappointing that we don’t get to hear from the ministry wives.

There weren’t testimonies from the women who sacrifice just as much, and are just as loved, called, and equipped as the men they follow. The women who are in the trenches of ministry right alongside their husbands, whether that is in their home raising children feeling like a single mom because their husband is busy tending to the flock; women who are discipling other women, teaching bible study, leading praise, cleaning the church, making meals, or opening their home to host ladies events or prayer meetings.

As a ministry leader, I need to hear how God is working in the lives of those women.

I’m new to this whole pastor’s wife, church planting thing, so I crave the wisdom of women who have walked this road before me.  I long to hear about the pitfalls and the praises, the fruit, the faith, and the fears they have.  I know the ministry wives have stories to share, and glory to give, and I need to hear that for my own spiritual growth.


The unexpected question

The Lord reminded me that just as much as I want that for my spiritual health, there are women coming up behind me who desire the very same thing from me.

I’m certain that’s why He prompted my friend to ask me “So how is the Lord working in your life?” because she needed a testimony from someone a little further down the faith path than she was.

That unexpected question made me realize how important it is to first be aware of the Lord’s hand in my life so that I can be grateful for that and give him the glory he deserves; and secondly to share those things with others to be an encouragement to them as they carry out their callings.


How is the Lord working in your life?

As I was racking my brain, collecting my thoughts in order to answer how the Lord was working in my life, I rattled off the ways that I was working for the Lord- writing, teaching, discipling, etc. But that didn’t answer her question.

Not that any of those things are wrong or insignificant, they’re all good works for the glory of God.  But that’s what I’m doing for Him, and she wanted to know what he was doing in me and for me.

I think I finally did answer her question in that God was teaching me to consider my ways. But I had to think about that for a while.

I’ve got more to say about considering your ways next time.  For now, I’ll just leave you with that same question to ponder.

  • How is the Lord working in your life?
  • Will you accept the challenge to ask this unexpected question of others?

I’d love to hear your answers! You can comment below or email me.


For more like this:

My Testimony ~ Daily His Disciple

Trade that Stressful Schedule for Simplicity in Christ

Leave a Legacy of Love and Loyalty

Look Back and Remember the Goodness and Grace of God

5 Reasons You Should Trust God to Write Your Story


How is the Lord working in your life?

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Pray With Confidence

If you would like to grow in your prayer life, then check out Pray with Confidence.  It’s a website for helping women overcome prayer obstacles, and I am one of the 30 monthly contributors. Here are a few links I think will be a blessing to you:

3 Short Prayers for Spiritual Stability

2 Things to Remember to Find Peace in Chaos

19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God

15 Bible Verses About Rest When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

You also want to check out the prayer resources, Bible verses, and tough questions tabs.  There are many great options to boost your spiritual growth!

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  1. He is asking me to check my motives. He loves our motives to be pure! I would love to start asking others this question! How awesome! ❤

    1. Thank you for sharing! He does make sure our motives are pure so He’s getting the glory and not us. Thank you for reading and commenting I appreciate ya! 😊

  2. I think it’s good to ask deeper and more meaningful questions that go beyond the superficial. When we encounter our Christian friends, sometimes we can go through the usual routine of “hi, how are you”, which can become very mundane and tedious. I’ve often thought that I could simply play a recording of an earlier conversation, particularly if the exchanges are almost exactly the same. It’s good therefore to ask questions that cause people to think a bit more and relate to each other in a more genuine way that brings both closer to God. Thank you for posting this.

  3. So true! I was just saying earlier that my greatest frustration in general is that people struggle to really articulate. You are right…Testimony is important and when we reduce it to simpe and vague comments its a big miss.

  4. Love this! Triggered some reflection and heart-examination!I think it’s a question I’ll be asking a lot of my sisters in Christ from this day forward. Right now, God is coaching me and growing me on how to be a better listener, on what it means to truly come alongside someone; to truly understand sacrifice and its importance in showing someone the heart of God…… right now God is remolding me pushing me to a deeper inner-look at my own faith walk……gotta say, “this aint much fun” but, I’m oh so grateful for the pain! Filled with joy, knowing that He is working something out in me! Father, your will be done! Help me to honor you! May you be proud of your handiwork when it’s all said and done!

    1. Amen! He’s always working on us and in us if we’re willing to let Him. Always for our good and His glory!! Thanks for sharing, I loved hearing how the Lord is molding you into a more effective minister! You’re doing a good job! Love you bunches! 😊

  5. Good point and it’s a hard question that really shouldn’t be so hard. I think it’s hard because most of us are too much into the material world instead of being in God’s world. It’s to the point that we don’t think about it as much as we should.

    1. I agree. I think it’s also because we don’t want to be transparent and vulnerable and let people know how the Lord’s working on us. Thanks for reading and commenting, I appreciate ya! Blessings! 😊

  6. Loved this article. It is so true. When I greet people at the church door, it is the same thing every week. Hello, how ya doin, fine.

    Sometimes I say that I’m fine but really I have had a bad week and I need fellowship. I need to hear how God has worked in someone’s life to encourage me.

    I think that is why we give those default answers. Because we don’t really want to hear the thoughts of others but just want to appear friendly. Most of the time at church we want to “keep it comfortable” and we don’t ask questions like that because we would have to engage in conversation that might show our weakness or cause us to have to deal with the problem of others.

    If this question was asked of me, “How is the Lord Working in My life”? I would have to honestly say, He is teaching me to be sanctified and Holy. To not be “part of the crowd” but to be an individual in Him. Continuing to seek relationship instead of religion.

    Thank you again for this article. I am going to break the chains of being comfortable and start asking this question “How is the Lord working in your life?”


    1. Praise the Lord!! I’m glad it was a blessing to you! Thank you for sharing how the Lord is working in your life, that’s a blessing to me! 😊

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