Raising Godly Boys: Guest post for Intentional in Life

If your kids are still at home, the blog series at Intentional In Life is a valuable resource for you! With guest posts from several writers, blogger Jessica Anderson has provided a full month’s worth of insight into raising godly boys. If you’re raising godly girls, you’ll want to check out Like Minded Musings.

I had the privilege of being one of the contributors to the raising godly boys series. I wrote about raising godly boys without the pressure of perfection or creating religious Pharisees. You can find that article here:

Raising Godly Boys to be Devoted Disciples of Christ

I hope it’s a blessing to you as you endeavor to raise godly boys into godly men.


Keep this in mind when raising godly boys

We can set a godly example and invest truth into our kids, but they can still go astray. Whether they’re saved or not, they have free will to choose to love and live for Jesus or for themselves, just like we do.

Your opinions are not always wanted and your counsel is not always taken as they mature and you transition from instructing to influencing them. All you can do is pray, love them through it, and show them the same grace that you receive a million times a day.

Having kids who don’t love the word of God or live it out is frustrating and heartbreaking. If you’re walking through that right now, I encourage you to entrust them to the only One who can change their heart.

Remember to give grace as freely as you have received it, knowing that we all fall short and carry flesh that fights against the things of God. Love them unconditionally, despite their choices.

John 15:9 KJV ~ As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.


Raising godly boys: guest post for intentional in life

Be intentional in raising godly boys

Raising godly children takes diligence and intentionality, just as much as it requires prayer and dependence on the Spirit of God. Take the time to talk to your kids, teach them the scriptures, train them in God’s ways, and set an example of godliness for them. Give them biblical boundaries, submerge them in godly culture, and surround them with godly influences if you want to bring up faithful kids.

We are accountable to God for how we shepherd the hearts of our children. Let’s be intentional to raise godly boys with love, grace, and the gospel.

Proverbs 31:1 KJV ~ The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him.

Some scholars believe that King Lemuel is actually Solomon, the wisest man in the world. If that’s the case, then we see from this verse that it was his mother, Queen Bathsheba, who taught him the scripture recorded in Proverbs 31. Solomon asked God for discernment in ruling the people (1 Kings 3:9-11), but his mom also had a hand in teaching him the word and ways of God.

We don’t know what God has in store for our children, but when we are intentional about raising godly boys, we ensure they have a foundation of faith for whatever their future holds.

More on parenting:

Squash the Mom Guilt

3 Extremes to Avoid in Motherhood

6 Simple Ways to Love Your Children

Resource Library for Spiritual Growth:

I have created a resource library with tools for spiritual growth here at Daily His Disciple.  There are scripture lists for topical study and memorization, and more Bible study tools will be added regularly.  Simply enter your email address and hit subscribe to get the link to the resource library and the password.  You will also get my blog posts in your email, in addition to access to these Bible study resources.

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Pray With Confidence

Motherhood is a ministry that requires diligent prayer. If you would like to grow in your prayer life, check out Pray with Confidence. It’s a website to help women overcome prayer obstacles, and I am one of the 30 monthly contributors. Here are a couple of links I think will be a blessing to you:

2 Things to Remember to Find Peace in Chaos

19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God

There are prayer resources, Bible verses, and tough questions tabs as well. So many great options to boost your spiritual growth!

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  1. Thanks for sharing on Grace & Truth! I agree, our boys won’t truly have a heart for the Lord – a transformed heart – until they realize the gravity of their sin and the price paid for redemption.

    1. Yes Ma’am! Easier said than done when our flesh wants our children to meet our expectations and they don’t. But in the Spirit, we can do anything! Blessings to ya! 🙂

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