Establishing a women’s ministry is no easy task. But just like Nehemiah’s burden to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem, any burden the Lord places on our heart comes with His power, provision, and protection to see that burden become a reality. He equips and supplies for his calling to be completed.
So if the Lord is alerting you to a need for a women’s ministry within your church, and is prompting you to help meet that need, then follow these 10 Steps to make that vision a reality. But beware, there will be opposition in women’s ministry.
How to Start a Women’s Ministry
- See the need
- Seek the Lord in prayer
- Speak to the pastor
- Survey the weak spots
- Strategize
- Submit a plan
- Share the burden and secure a team
- Spread the word
- Start the work
- Stand strong
This series hasn’t been an exhaustive study on every detail of women’s ministry but does give some structure to work within. It will help give you a place to start. But in order for it to be established, the women’s ministry will have to be in existence for a while.
This brings us to our final step- stand strong against the opposition in women’s ministry.
Beware of Doubt and Discouragement
Satan hates it when women learn biblical principles and begin to fulfill their God-given roles and responsibilities. Since you’re the one leading this ministry that will set women free from their strongholds, you’re a threat to the enemy and his agenda! When he sees you going forward by faith, the Adversary will be at work.
Attendance will ebb and flow and fruit may be slow-growing. You’ll be tempted to give up. But women’s ministry is a worthy endeavor. Even if just one woman gets saved or grows in her relationship with the Lord, then all you have to endure is worth it.
Don’t let the devil derail you
Stay consistent with your personal Bible time and prayer. Share your doubts with your husband or a trusted friend who can speak the truth into your heart. Remember why you started this ministry and the potential fruit it can yield.
And cast all your cares upon the Lord. Hold up your shield of faith and sword of the Spirit. Stand strong on what you know to be true, and cast down the lies of the devil. Encourage yourself in the Lord and keep pressing on! Don’t let the opposition in women’s ministry derail you from fulfilling your purpose.
Ephesians 6:10- Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Beware of Disagreement
Your women’s ministry will include women of all ages and stages of spiritual maturity. Some may know the Bible and some may not. There may be portions of the lessons that they don’t agree with. Be prepared to listen to their arguments and gently guide them to what the Bible says about it.
Stand strong on the authority of scripture. Encourage women to shape their opinions, beliefs, morals, behaviors, and worldview around the truth of scripture.
God’s perfectly preserved word diffuses disagreements.
Difficult people are like the sandpaper that God uses to smooth down our rough edges. Cleave to the Lord and consistently pray for her. Give them time and space, and allow the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and understanding.
God will mold you and conform you to the image of Christ in the process of ministering to difficult women. Share on XNehemiah 4:9~ Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them.
Beware of Division
Doubt, discouragement, and disagreements about doctrine tend to have a snowball effect that can lead to division if not dissipated soon enough.
There may be women who are upset that you’re leading this women’s ministry and not them. So they slander you and the ministry in order to keep other women from participating in it. Division could even stem from women huddling together and not co-mingling with those who aren’t like them. Stand strong against cliques that cause division.
Mix up the ages in the group discussion sessions. Put women together who may have never talked, or who only have Jesus in common. Switch them up every Bible study session so that they all get to know each other. Have your women’s ministry partake in activities that foster unity and team building.
Teach on spiritual warfare so they know how the enemy works through women to bring division in the body of Christ.
When women are aware and alert to the snares Satan sets for them, they’re more likely to avoid them. Share on XStand strong against opposition in women’s ministry
Nehemiah and the children of Israel faced abundant opposition while rebuilding the wall and gates. So much so that they were holding their weapons in one hand and working with the other (Nehemiah chapter 4). They prepared to defend themselves and their families and they persevered through the taunting of their enemies.
Because of Nehemiah’s strong leadership, God’s people were able to stand strong as well, and finish the worked they were called to do.
As we do the work of the ministry, we must put on our spiritual armor and stand strong against doubt, discouragement, disagreements, and division.
In order to establish a women’s ministry that makes disciples and glorifies God, stick to the scriptures, seek the Lord in prayer, and stay underneath the covering he has provided. See the need, share the need, and stand strong against all opposition in women’s ministry.
The battle may be overwhelming at times, but if the Lord has called you to it, he will get you through it!
More on Women’s Ministry in the church:
Women Teaching Women: Be an Example in Discipleship
Encouragement to Endure in Ministry
Consider Your Ways In Ministry- Part 1
The Call to Invest: Biblical Discipleship For Women
Resource Library
I created a resource library with FREE tools for spiritual growth here at Daily His Disciple. It includes a 17-page guide to How to Study the Bible. There are scripture lists for topical study and memorization (including 14 Scriptures for a Sober Mind). It would also be a blessing for your women’s ministry!
Simply enter your email address and hit subscribe to get the link to the resource library and the password.
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Pray With Confidence
If you would like to grow in your prayer life, then check out Pray with Confidence. It’s a website for helping women overcome prayer obstacles, and I am one of the monthly contributors. Here are a few links I think will be a blessing to you:
3 Short Prayers for Spiritual Stability
19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God
Check out the prayer resources, Bible verses, and tough questions tabs. There are many great options to boost your spiritual growth!