7 Simple Bible Study Tips

Have you ever been to a Bible study meeting where everyone has a different opinion on a Bible topic?  Or had to agree to disagree with someone over their interpretation of scripture, because you couldn’t find common ground? Maybe you just aren’t sure what is true about certain Christian beliefs, because you were raised one way, but now hear differently.

You can clear up the confusion, and properly interpret and apply the scriptures by practicing a few Bible study principles.

Here are 7 simple Bible study tips to eliminate doctrinal error, and give you confidence in your biblical beliefs.

Stand on Sound Doctrine

The first step to understanding sound doctrine is to agree with God that His word is the final authority on every issue of life.  The Bible has to override your previous thinking, prior education or experience, and popular opinions of the world around you. They’re all fallible, but the word of God is perfect and is the standard by which to measure all things.

We can’t trust our feelings on any subject, because feelings are fickle, and aren’t always based on reality.  But the Bible is true and the source of all truth. (Psalm 119:160) It can always be trusted.  Therefore it is the perfect place to go to settle disputes and learn sound doctrine.

Oh, what unity is available to the Body of Christ if we lay down our denominational titles and traditions, and choose to become Bible Believers instead!  Not just church attenders, Bible readers, or ministry workers, but Christians who rightly interpret and apply the scriptures through diligent Bible study.


What unity is available to the Body of Christ if we lay down our denominational titles and traditions, and choose to become Bible Believers instead! Share on X


7 Simple Bible Study Tips

7 Simple Bible Study Tips

  1. Call upon God.
  2. Context is key.
  3. Categorize.
  4. Compare scripture with scripture.
  5. Continuation.
  6. Culture.
  7. Commentaries.

Bible Study Tip #1: Call Upon God

Prayer is such an important Bible study tool.  When we pray, we adopt the posture of a humble learner, at the feet of our Master. Prayer prepares us to be attentive to His teaching, and eager to receive His wisdom.  Without prayer, we rely on our own understanding, instead of allowing the Holy Spirit of God to teach us the truth.

John 14:26 KJV ~ But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

A disciple is a learner, a student of Christ, and in order to learn anything as we ought, we need to be humble and teachable.  Prayer helps to root out the pride in our hearts and prepares our minds to learn from the Lord.

A simple prayer for Bible study:


Heavenly Father, please open my eyes to behold wondrous things in your word. Cleanse my heart from all sin, and clear my mind of all distractions and doubts. Help me Lord, to align my heart and mind with the truth of your word. I surrender my preconceived notions and prior teachings that may be contrary to Scripture. I come before you in meekness and humility, desiring to know you intimately, love you passionately, obey you diligently, and please you immensely.  Thank you for your Spirit who dwells in me and teaches me all things.  I praise you for your grace and truth. I ask all these things in the precious and mighty name of your Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen!


Bible Study Tip #2: Context is Key

When we study the Bible, we should always obtain the context for the scriptures. If we don’t put the Bible in context, we risk misinterpretation and misapplication.  This is how false doctrine spreads, but with these 7 simple Bible study tips, those mistakes can be avoided. (Aside from these tips, I’ve recently written a post on How to Study the Bible, which gives you 7 simple steps to inductive Bible study.)

Study Bibles are a great resource because they have extensive information on the author, the date in which it was written, the theme, and the purpose of each book of the Bible. They also explain several of the scriptures and give cross-references for better comprehension. But don’t be lazy and rely on what your Study Bible says because it’s much more rewarding to dig into the scriptures yourself.

2Timothy 2:15 KJV ~ Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


7 Simple Bible Study Tips

Bible Study Tip #3: Categorize

After you have prayed and placed the scriptures in context, then categorize the passage you’re studying.  Here are some categories that help us understand and apply sound doctrine:

  • People Groups: Is the passage written to Jews, Gentiles, or the Church?  This is important because it keeps us from applying scriptures to ourselves as Gentile believers that are only meant for the Jewish people.  The Church epistles, such as Ephesians and Colossians, are written to the specific churches like Phillippians, but are also written to the New Testament churches today.  And when addressing the church, the apostle Paul is addressing born-again believers.  
  • Believer or Non-Believer: There are clues in the text that show us to who the book of the Bible is written. For example, “brethren”, “saints”, and “church” in the introductory verses tell us that the following passages are promises and principles for believers in Jesus Christ alone, and not for the lost.


Remember, the Bible is not all written to us, but it is all written for us, and there is something to be learned from Genesis to Revelation. Share on X


Bible Study Tip #4: Compare Scripture with Scripture

If you have a concordance in the back of your Bible, find your topic within it, and look up every scripture on the subject.  The Bible defines itself, so compare scripture with scripture to get a full explanation of the text.

Bible Study Apps like Blue Letter Bible and Olive Tree Bible Software makes cross-referencing a breeze.  The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge button will give you plenty of scriptures that relate to the one you selected.

Bible Study Tip #5: Continuation

Sometimes false doctrine comes from taking OT passages that only apply to the Hebrew people and adopting them as teachings for the NT believers.  This is when we need to use the Bible study tip of continuation. Meaning if the command or promise is echoed in the NT, then it’s still in effect for believers today.

For example, some Christians claim that the Bible forbids tattoos, based simply on Leviticus 19:28. But if you use the previous Bible study tips, you’ll discover that this is not true. That verse was written to the children of Israel, and there is no command in the NT for Believers to keep their bodies free from marks, other than the mark of the Beast in Revelation.

Bible Study Tip #6: Culture

We tend to impose our modern thinking on the scriptures, but when we research the culture of the people in the times the passage was written, we can better grasp the principles of the Bible.  I wrote about this in my post titled The Bridegroom Beckons His Bride: Seeing Jesus in the Ancient Jewish Wedding Customs.  That Bible study blew me away with the awesomeness of the words of Christ, wooing His Bride.

Great resources for investigating the culture in Bible times:

  • Halley’s Bible Handbook –

  • Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary

7 Simple Bible Study Tips

Bible Study Tip #7: Commentaries

After you have applied the first 6 Bible study tips, then you’re free to move on to commentaries, but just to make sure that you’re on the right track with your interpretation.

As students of the Bible, we want to utilize the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures that God has given us and pray for Him to enlighten us and equip us with the truth.

Consulting commentaries first is just cheating yourself of the thrill of discovery. Share on X

Trusted Bible scholars who are proven faithful and who preach sound doctrine, have a lot of wisdom to offer the Body of Christ and are a blessing to our Bible study endeavors.  Some of my favorites are David Guzik, Adrian Rogers, and Charles Spurgeon.

Be a Bible Believer

These 7 simple Bible study tips may seem time-consuming, but they can be accomplished in 30 minutes or less! Even if it takes hours to grasp the sound doctrine, it’s worth every minute. Bible study is an eternal investment that God blesses.

We don’t have to be swayed by the false doctrine around us in these last days. We can know the truth and stand on it. Let’s humble ourselves, sacrifice some time, and put the work in to understand the scriptures for ourselves.

The next time you have a doctrinal discussion or you question your beliefs, apply these 7 Bible study tips.

Choose to be a Bible Believer, even if that means abandoning long-held beliefs, severing toxic relationships, or surrendering habitual sin. 

Being obedient to the word of God, and siding with the all-knowing Lord, isn’t easy or popular, but it’s always worth it!

More Bible Study Tips:

10 Simple Steps to do a Bible Word Study

3 Study Tips to Sweeten Bitter Scriptures

My Top 10 Resources for Spiritual Growth



Resource Library Daily His Disciple blog for Christian women

New Resource Library for Spiritual Growth

I have created a resource library with tools for spiritual growth here at Daily His Disciple.  This includes a 17-page guide to How to Study the Bible, complete with step-by-step instructions, study sheets, and much more! There are also bookmarks and scripture lists for topical study and memorization (including 14 Scriptures for a Sober Mind).  Simply enter your email address and hit subscribe to get the link to the resource library and the password.

In addition to the resources, you will get my blog posts in your email. I only post weekly or bi-weekly so I won’t flood your inbox.

If you are already subscribed to Daily His Disciple, just email me and I will send you the link and password!


Pray With Confidence

If you would like to grow in your prayer life, then check out Pray with Confidence.  It’s a website for helping women overcome prayer obstacles, and I am one of the regular contributors. Here are a few links I think will be a blessing to you:

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

3 Short Prayers for Spiritual Stability

19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God

15 Bible Verses About Rest When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

You also want to check out the prayer resources, Bible verses, and tough questions tabs.  There are many great options to boost your spiritual growth!

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