What is a Virtuous Woman?
The word “virtuous” in the Bible means power, strength, valor, valiant, and able. A virtuous woman is honorable, and a force to be reckoned with. The Hebrew word for virtuous is also used in scripture to describe the able men that Moses’ father instructed him to select to help him in ministry. (Exodus 18:21, 25) And to describe King David’s mighty men of valor. (2 Samuel 23; 1 Chronicles 11, 12)
The first time the word “virtuous” is used in the Bible is in the book of Ruth. Boaz declares to Ruth that the entire city knows she is a virtuous woman. (Ruth 3:11) She is actually the only woman in the Bible who is specifically described as virtuous!
Proverbs 31:10-31 reveals the virtuous woman is trustworthy, hard-working, industrious, enterprising, compassionate, and giving. Ruth exhibits every one of those attributes as she submits to Naomi’s authority, learns from her, and labors in the field to provide for them both.
Ruth’s loyalty, obedience, and trust in Naomi and Boaz led to her redemption and marriage to Boaz. This union eventually brought her great-grandson David, the legendary king of Israel, a man after God’s own heart. As well as his son Solomon, the wisest man on earth who wrote most of the book of Proverbs, and may have even written Proverbs 31, possibly referring to his virtuous ancestor, Ruth. If you continue down the family lineage, you’ll eventually arrive at King Jesus!
This former pagan, a Gentile woman, left her old life behind to follow God. She went all in with Him and set an example for women to follow, of strength, honor, and valor. God rewarded her surrender and sacrifice with a notable place in His holy word and the genealogy of the Messiah!
No matter how far from virtuous we find ourselves today, there is always hope for the future when God is involved.
A Virtuous Woman Fears the Lord
Some people equate homesteading and homeschooling with being a virtuous woman. But by applying a few simple Bible study principles, we come to a different conclusion. Discovering the biblical meaning of the word ‘virtuous’, seeing how it is used in other places in the Bible, and looking at an example in the Bible of a virtuous woman, helps us to see that being a virtuous woman isn’t about accomplishing the tasks she did.
The last verse of Proverbs 31 holds the key to what makes this virtuous woman tick. She fears the Lord.
To fear the Lord means to reverence, respect, honor, and hold Him in high esteem. It carries with it submission to God’s will, His word, and His ways. Not because we’re afraid of God and the consequences of disobedience, but because we respect Him so much for the sacrifice He made for us and the new life He’s given us.
When we fear the Lord we recognize His sovereignty. We have a right view of God on the throne and ourselves at His disposal to use as He wishes. We’re not focused on our agenda, living how we want without regard to His standards.
The fear of the Lord spurs us on to laying our lives down for His eternal purposes, surrendering our hearts, plans, and schedules so He can have full reign in our lives.
Because she fears the Lord, a virtuous woman orders her life around the priorities God gave her. She looks to Him to direct her steps and chooses to use her time wisely, instead of frittering it away on her phone or chasing after things that don’t matter, which causes her to be overwhelmed and out of whack.
It’s out of love and devotion that we place ourselves underneath His authority and submit to His righteous rule. Share on X
A Virtuous Woman is Sober-Minded
Where your mind goes, your life follows. So if your mind is a jumbled mess of insecurities, fears, worries, woes, and what-ifs, then your life will be overwhelming, chaotic, and marked by anxiety. To be a virtuous woman, strong and stable, you have to have a sober mind.
Being sober-minded is having a renewed mind. It’s transforming your thoughts by tearing down the strongholds, casting down the lies you’re believing, and replacing them with truth from God’s word.
To have this disciplined mind, you have to be intentional to identify the strongholds, lies, and imaginations. That takes work, but having peace and maturing in Christ is totally worth the effort.
Spiritual maturity and stability are only possible with a sober mind that continually applies the truth to every situation and circumstance of life. If you desire to be a virtuous woman, then you must learn to be a sober-minded woman.
I have written extensively on this topic. Here are some links to show you how to have a sober mind.
4 Examples of Sober-minded Women in the Bible
Suffer Your Flesh and Submit to the Spirit to Be Virtuous
To submit to the Lord, be sober-minded, and walk in wisdom, we must lay down our own will. We can’t simultaneously walk the path our flesh wants us on and walk the path the Lord has laid before us.
A virtuous woman fears the Lord, embraces a sound mind, and suffers her flesh by yielding to the Spirit’s leading.
A Virtuous Woman Abides in Christ
Practice makes progress, and intentionality is key to making lasting changes in our lives. With mindfulness of how we are using our time, talent, and treasures and choosing to fear the Lord and walk in His ways instead of our own, we are taking the necessary steps to ensure that we grow in godliness and become virtuous women.
Every single day, you have to choose who you will serve and obey, either your flesh or your Father. The more you choose God’s ways, the more He renews your mind, revives your heart, and transforms your life.
Becoming a virtuous woman isn’t about doing more. It’s about being more. As you abide in Christ, and His words abide in you, you are conformed to His image.
Jesus is the epitome of wisdom, strength, humility, and selflessness. He gives you the grace to be who He saved you to be and do what He saved you to do.
Behold your strong and wise King and become the virtuous woman He desires you to be!
2 Corinthians 3:18 KJV – But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
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The resource library also has my “How to Study the Bible” handbook. It’s a 17-page guide with step-by-step instructions, study sheets, study guidelines, and more! If you would like to dig deeper into the Bible, this free resource is for you!
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