I was 29 when I first heard the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was the overwhelming grace and love of God for a filthy sinner like me that led me to repentance and brought me to faith in Jesus. I came to Jesus on his terms and not my own. I sought a relationship with the One and Only True God, not a religion, or a quick fix for my problems. Here is my testimony of salvation.
In 2008, I began attending a Bible study at my sister-in-law’s church. The lord had been working on my heart and drawing me near to him. The burdens of my messy life were weighing me down, and I was searching for peace and help.
At this church, I heard the gospel and the truth of the scriptures. Week after week, the pastor expounded the word, and the Spirit drew me in for more. I began attending on Sundays and bringing my family with me.
During a missions conference the first week of April of that year, I heard a message from a guest missionary about laying down your burdens. I don’t remember everything he said, but he used Matthew 11:28-30 as his base text, that says:
Matthew 11:28-30 KJV – Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
It was like God was speaking right to me, encouraging me to lay my burdens down, let go of my sin, and surrender all to Jesus.
That message, along with the pastor preaching on the book of John, is what brought me to salvation. I had never heard the true gospel. I didn’t know that it was by grace through faith that we are saved. I didn’t even know that Jesus was God, and that despite all the selfishness and sin in my heart, he died for me because he loved me.
After hearing of what Jesus had done for me, while I was blaspheming his name and living in sin; how he was beaten and spit upon, scourged to the bone, and nailed to a bloody cross in agony and shame for my sin; how he died but rose again from the grave in glorious victory to make a way for me to be reconciled to God; and how he is coming again soon. I felt my heart being crushed, and I was broken over my separation from God.
The weight of my sin and the realization of God’s love for me was more than I could bear. I bowed my knee to Jesus Christ as Lord of my life.
I cried out for God to forgive me, wash me, renew me, and transform me into a vessel for his glory. He is doing that faithfully day after day.
My life to that point had been a complete waste of time. Now I had a purpose: to bring God the glory he deserves every day of my life.
I vowed to serve Jesus with all of my heart, to love him with all that I am, to go wherever he sends, do whatever he asks, and speak whatever he gives me to share.
My husband gave his life to Christ within that same month, and we got baptized soon after. We were discipled by our pastor and his wife, and trained in the ministry by a couple who are very dear to our hearts. We went on mission trips to get a world vision (India is our fave!), and we completed a four year Bible Institute at our home church to prepare us for vocational ministry. We are currently planting a Bible-believing church in our area.
If you’ve ever doubted that God can use your mess of a life, take comfort because if he can redeem mine, he’ll do the same for yours if you ask him.
It is not always pleasant, but living life on purpose for Christ is powerful, and so rewarding. We are looking forward to crowns in Heaven and hearing those sweet words from Jesus that every believer longs to hear- “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord”.
If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I encourage you to spend some time reading the book of John to discover who God is as Jesus declares him to the world. Then read the book of Romans to see yourself as God sees you- a sinner in need of a Savior. Cry out to God in repentance and faith, believing in who Jesus is and His finished work to save you, and surrender your life to Christ today! It will be the best decision you have ever made.
2Corinthians 5:17 KJV ~ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.Â
How to Share Your Testimony of Salvation
Have you ever shared your personal testimony of salvation? If not, why not? If fear is holding you back, or you just don’t know exactly how to communicate what God has done for you, then read: There is Power in Sharing Your Personal Testimony and How to Share Your Testimony
After salvation, God begins the work of sanctification. That is making us more and more like Jesus Christ. Spiritual growth doesn’t just happen though, we have to do our part and cooperate with God in the process of sanctification. Here are some articles I wrote on spiritual growth and the basics of sanctification:
- What Does it Mean to Be Saved?
- How Should a Christian Walk?
- Tips for Spiritual Transformation
- 11 Surefire Ways to Stunt Your Spiritual Growth
- How to Have Biblical Discernment for Spiritual Growth
- 10 Key Scriptures for Spiritual Growth (KJV)
- 3 Reasons Prayer is Essential for Your Spiritual Growth
- My Top 10 Resources for Spiritual Growth
Free Devotional in my Resource Library
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The resource library also has my “How to Study the Bible” handbook. It’s a 17-page guide with step-by-step instructions, study sheets, study guidelines, and more! If you want to dig deeper into the Bible, this free resource is for you!
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Wonderful testimony! His love is truly life changing! and change lives change lives! x
Amen!! Thanks for reading!! 🙂
Loved your testimony…..powerful and moving.
Thanks Mom 🙂