My niche is spiritual growth for Christian women, with a focus on being sober-minded, suffering well, studying the bible, and serving the Lord. I love Jesus and have a passion for expounding his words to his women for his glory!
Collaborative Work
In January of 2021, I collaborated with several other bible teachers for an online retreat for Christian women. It was called The Prudent Woman retreat and was hosted by Ifeoma Samuel from Purposeful and Meaningful. I wrote 8 lessons and made 8 teaching videos on 4 different topics pertaining to spiritual growth and becoming a woman who is discreet and wise.
Some of those lessons were:
Lesson: A prudent woman is sober-minded
Video teaching on Martha of Bethany
Lesson: A prudent woman is a praying woman
Video teaching on learning the Lord’s Prayer
Lesson: A prudent woman is a woman of the word
Video teaching on the importance of God’s word
Regular Contributor to Pray With Confidence
I am a regular contributor to Pray With Confidence, which is a website designed to help women have a thriving prayer life. This site also offers answers to tough bible questions and scripture reference lists for popular topics among Christian women.
Here are some articles I have written:
19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God
3 Short Prayers for Spiritual Stability
How to Have Peace in the Chaos
Guest Posts for Other Christian Blogs for Women
I’ve written several guest posts for a variety of blogs for Christian women:
4 Practical Lessons From Anna in the Bible
Bible Verses for Guidance in Decision-Making for Megan Allen Ministries
8 Steps to Spiritual Maturity post for Ladies Drawing Nigh
“I Am” Statements of Jesus Explained for Ladies Drawing Nigh
24 Uplifting Bible Verses on Confidence in Christ post for Rock Solid Faith
How to Pray for your Pastor post for One Exceptional Life
Raising Godly Boys to Be Devoted Disciples of Christ post for Intentional in Life
How to do a Quick Bible Word Study post for The Modern Mary
Popular Posts
Here are links to my most popular posts on Daily His Disciple:
3 Ways to Get More Peace in Your Life
2 Tried-and-True Ways to Know Jesus More Intimately
Learning to Be a Discreet Woman
The Importance of Intercessory Prayer
How to Study the Bible in 7 Simple Steps
3 Reasons Why Prayer is Essential to Your Spiritual Growth
If God is in control, why does COVID-19 continue to claim lives?
More than a Maid: Defining a “Keeper at Home”
7 Ways out of a Spiritual Slump
From Worry to Worship~ Shifting your focus from the “What ifs” to “What is”
5 Marks of a Warrior Woman ~ Get battle ready!
Do you have work for me?
This writing portfolio contains just a small snippet of the words I’ve shared, and you can read more posts on my home page. My beliefs are also available to read there as well.
If you’re looking to hire someone to create content for your website or to collaborate on a writing project, please contact me. My rates are dependent on the length required, the deadline window, and the depth of the research involved. I would love to work with you to further the gospel for the glory of God!
Please read my beliefs and bio before reaching out, to ensure we are like-minded.
I have many items that have not been published or included in this writing portfolio. If you would like to see more of my work aside from the online content, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you soon.