There are so many ways that Jesus has transformed my heart, mind, and life. One of them is how He took me from a painfully shy person, who was terrified of public speaking and made me a bible teacher. Sharing my testimony with those women was the first step down that path.
Through tears, shaking hands, and an unsteady voice, I told them about who I was before Jesus rescued me. I had so much shame.
I was worried about what they would think of me when they found out about my shady past. But God covered it in His grace, the Spirit gave me the words to speak, and my faith grew that day.
That was the first of many times I had the privilege of telling how Jesus changed my life.
Psalm 66:16 KJV ~ Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.
How to Share Your Testimony
One of the reasons I was hesitant to share my testimony, was because I didn’t even know what that meant, or how to go about it. So my spiritual mentor broke it down to me like this:
- Life issues before Jesus
- How you met Jesus
- Life after Jesus
It is that simple. Include some of your previous sin struggles and burdens Jesus lifted. Share the scriptures that God used to open your eyes to your sin and your need for a Savior. And tell them what differences are in your heart and life since you came to Christ.
Write it out and speak it out loud several times before you share your testimony with a group. I also recommend timing it so you can make adjustments to fit in your allotted time. You may also want to practice presenting it to your spouse, significant other, or a friend for honest feedback.
Here is a link to a great article on how to share your testimony, with a free workbook to help you organize it. How to Share Your Testimony @
It also helps to listen to the stories of the conversions of others, to see how to share your testimony. Here is my testimony for example:
My Salvation Testimony
The first week of April marked the beginning of my 13th year of walking with Jesus. My life before Jesus was littered with self-righteousness, self-sufficiency, self-indulgence, and pride. Alcohol was my go-to for calming nerves, and loosening up muscles that were stiffened from trying to do it all, have it all, and be it all. Unfortunately, that was a daily occurrence and I was dependent on those evening drinks to de-stress me.
I remember one particularly frustrating day, I watched a preacher on TV who spoke right to my messy life and deep wounds. She said Jesus could heal me everywhere I hurt, and that if I just repeated a prayer after her, I would be a Christian. Well, I wanted out of my situation, and I wanted whatever Jesus could give me, so I repeated that prayer.
I expected my life to get easier, but it didn’t. In fact, it got worse. The burdens on my shoulders were heavier than ever as I piled on guilt for wrong choices, unforgiveness towards my husband, and drinking even more. I didn’t have any peace or joy, or victory over sin.
That’s because I said words, but I didn’t have faith in my heart, and I wasn’t yet repentant over my sin. I was not born-again.
Then I really got saved
Fast forward a few years, and my sister-in-law invited me to a mid-week bible study at her church. I knew my life needed to change, and I wanted what she had, so I started going. The pastor was teaching on other religions, and every week he would share the gospel.
I loved it so much I started going on Sundays. He preached through the book of John, and I finally understood who Jesus was, and what He did for me.
I learned that even if I was the only person on the planet, Jesus still would’ve taken the nails for me because He loved me that much.
I was 29 years old the first time I heard the true gospel, that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died on the cross for my sins. That I was a sinner separated from a holy God and the only way to be reconciled to Him was by repenting of my sins and placing my faith in Jesus.
My point of decision and profession of faith
When this pastor was preaching on the crucifixion, and all Jesus endured for me, my heart just shattered.
Then I attended a mission conference at this church, and one of the speakers was preaching about how Jesus wanted to lift the burdens off of our shoulders and give us true soul rest. (Matthew 11:28-30)
I knew that the Lord was speaking right to me. So I went home that night, got on my knees, and wept as I asked God to forgive me of my sins, wash me clean, and use me for His glory. I professed faith in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection and surrendered my life to the Lord.
My prayer went something like this:
Lord, I have wasted 29 years of my life, but you have all of me for the rest of my time on Earth. I will go where you say to go, do what you say to do, say what you tell me to, all the days of my life. I am yours. Take me and use me for your glory, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
How to Know What Your Testimony Is
Let me tell you, the Lord took me up on that vow! My husband got saved shortly after me, then we were baptized, and started learning the Bible and growing in our faith. The weight was lifted off of me and peace and joy-filled my heart. God took my desire for alcohol away and gave me an insatiable thirst for learning his word instead.
So if you want to know how to share your testimony, think back to your moment of surrender to Christ, when you were broken over your sin and your eyes were opened to the truth of the amazing grace of God.
When did you believe that Jesus died for you and rose again to give you eternal life? And in what ways have you been transformed?
Maybe you’re afraid to tell your testimony because you don’t have one. If that’s you, I pray you would call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you for your sins, to fill you with His Spirit, and enable you to follow Him all of your days.
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him in spirit and in truth, and He hears the prayers of those with broken and contrite hearts. Profess faith in Christ and prepare to be radically changed!
Why You Should Share Your Testimony
Sharing testimonies evangelizes, encourages, and emboldens others to take faith steps as well. It also builds your faith as you rely on Him to give you the words to speak.
The biggest reason to share your testimony is to bring glory to God. He is worthy! So fight the fears, pray for the Spirit’s help, and boldly share what the Lord has done for your soul!
1Peter 3:15 KJV ~ But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.
Posts Related to How to Share Your Testimony:
My Testimony ~ Daily His Disciple
Leave a Legacy of Love and Loyalty
The Unexpected Question: How is the Lord working in your life?
Free Devotional in my Resource Library
On my “Resources” page I added several new tools for spiritual growth. Including the “7 Days to More Peace of Mind” devotional bundle: 7 devotions, scripture lists, quotes, and poems, all on the topic of worry. I’m selling 7 Days to More Peace of Mind as an eBook on Amazon, but I’m offering it to my email subscribers for FREE!
There is also a “How to Study the Bible” handbook in that resource library. It is a 17-page guide with step-by-step instructions, study sheets, study guidelines, and more! If you would like to dig deeper into the Bible for yourself, then this free resource is for you!
I have also included other bible study worksheets, beautiful graphics, printables (like scriptures for a sober mind), bookmarks, and more. To tap into all the goodies, just enter your email address in the “subscribe” section of this page. When you do that, you will get a confirmation email with the password to my Resource Library. Then you will also receive my blog posts in your email inbox as well.
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Pray With Confidence
Prayer gives you the courage to share your testimony. If you would like to grow in your prayer life, then check out Pray with Confidence. It’s a website for helping women overcome prayer obstacles, and I am one of the monthly contributors. Here are a few links I think will be a blessing to you:
3 Short Prayers for Spiritual Stability
19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God
Check out the prayer resources, Bible verses, and tough questions tabs as well. There are many great options to boost your spiritual growth!
This post is a good refresher for me on sharing your testimony verbally. I tend to be fine with it in writing, or talking to someone personally. Yet if I need to do it in a group, I get nervous! I also enjoyed hearing your story. Thanks for a great post!
Thank you, Patti! As an introvert, writing things is always more comfortable for me. But of course, God’s not particularly interested in me being comfortable all the time! 😜 Thanks for reading!
Beautiful testimony and a lovely blog. I am new to blogging,so I suppose I can take tips from your site. Thanks.
Thank you, Laila. I’ll have to check out your site as well! Blessings! 💕