Paul tells us in Romans 12:2 that transformation takes place by renewing our minds. He echoes that in his letter to the church at Ephesus. Ephesians 4:23~ And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. When something is renewed, it’s completely changed for the better, with new strength and vigor. Just like a dilapidated building is transformed into a beautiful usable space, or a junk car is fixed up and showcased, our sin-laden minds become sober. And a sober mind is vital in times of transition.
Every transition has its difficulties. We have to traverse the transitions with the right mindset to allow for spiritual transformation through them. God wants us to be conformed to the image of Christ, maturing in faith and knowledge of Him. He uses times of transition to refine us, but without a sober mind, they can derail us.
What is a sober mind?
In the KJV, Titus 2:4 says the first thing that needs to be taught to younger women is how to be sober. It’s the mindset we need to fulfill our ministry in love and prudence.
A sober mind is a sound, controlled, moderate, disciplined mind that is circumspect and alert to the enemy. This is a mind that filters everything through God’s word and responds with wisdom instead of emotion.
To make biblical decisions, make disciples, and make it through times of transition we must be sober-minded. Share on X
How do we get a sober mind?
The only way to have a sober mind is to fill our minds with divine truth and filter life through that truth. But first, we need to:
- Â Cast down imaginations ~ 2Corinthians 10:3-6 KJV~ For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
I know firsthand how hard it is to get and maintain a sober mind during times of transition. But it can be done by arresting our thinking and bringing it under the authority of God’s word.
Capture every imagination, indignation, or irritation and cast down them down.
Replace the lie with truth
- Â Think on things that are true ~Â Philippians 4:8 KJV ~ Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Pondering the past, our problems, and other people leads to discontentment, disappointment, and depression in times of transition. That’s why we have to toss out any thoughts that have no basis in truth, and replace them with scripture.
Keep your mind on who God is, who you are in Him, and what He has called you to do. Let His word guide your thoughts, words, and actions.
When you apply truth, the Spirit of God transforms your mind and makes you sober-minded.
Practice makes progress for a sober mind
As with any spiritual discipline, renewing your mind takes practice.
For example, when you feel all alone, turn to Isaiah 41:10 and replace that lie with the truth- the Lord strengthens, helps, and upholds you.
When you think no one loves you, turn to John 15:13 and trade that imagination for the reality of God’s perfect love for you.
Or when the transition seems treacherous, and you feel depleted and done, lay your eyes on 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. It will turn your thoughts from the pain to the provision of grace supplied to meet your every need.
1Peter 1:13 KJV ~ Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
(For more in-depth instruction on how to be sober, read this.)
More posts to help you be sober-minded:Â
How to Have a Sober Mind Daily
4 Examples of Sober-minded Women in the Bible
Renew Your Mind and Revive Your Heart with ‘It is Written’
What the Bible Says About Being Sober-Minded
16 Bible Verses for a Sober Mind (KJV)
Get a My Jesus Journal!
The more fellowship you have with Jesus, the more sober-minded you become. I designed and published a tool to help Christian women to know Jesus more. My Jesus Journal focuses your time in the word on learning more about the Lord and cultivate a closer relationship with Christ.
Intended to be used alongside your daily Bible reading, My Jesus Journal has space to record the date, the scriptures you read, and lined spaces to write your observations about Jesus you saw in the text. At the bottom of that page is a verse from the KJV Bible about Jesus. The next page is for writing your prayers related to what you discovered in your reading. And there are extra prayer pages in the back.
Mark 12:30 tells us to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, but we cannot love someone we do not know. The more time we spend intentionally seeking Jesus in the pages of scripture, the more we will know Him and love Him. My Jesus Journal aids us in our quest to learn and love Jesus more deeply.
Beautiful, portable, and affordable!
If you are looking for a tool to help you grow in your knowledge of Jesus, build intimacy into your relationship with Him, and deepen your love for the Lord, then My Jesus Journal is just what you need!
Beautifully designed with your spiritual growth in mind, My Jesus Journal is perfectly sized to fit into your purse, backpack, or diaper bag. You can grow on the go when you use wait times in the Doctor’s office, the carpool line, etc. for Bible study.
Priced at just $8.99, you can purchase one for yourself and a friend, or consider buying one for your entire ministry, to begin a season of seeking Jesus together. It makes an excellent gift for any Christian woman in your life!
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If you need someone to contribute articles to your website, or to collaborate with you on a project, you can view my portfolio and my beliefs to see if I would be a good fit for your readers. Contact me at with what you are looking for. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Pray With Confidence
Prayer is vital for being sober-minded. If you would like to grow in your prayer life, then check out Pray with Confidence. It’s a website for helping women overcome prayer obstacles, and I am one of the regular contributors. Here are some links I think will be a blessing to you:
When Your Prayer for Pain Relief Goes Unanswered
19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God
Check out the prayer resources, Bible verses, and tough questions tabs. There are many great options to boost your spiritual growth!