Every morning I prayed for God to reveal himself in the word, to renew my mind, and revive my heart. Then I read my Bible intending to grow in my knowledge of Jesus. Not so I could get a nugget for the day, or a verse to make me feel better about myself or my circumstances. And not to get something to put on social media and encourage someone else with.
I read my bible as a student of the Savior like a devoted disciple should.
If you could use a boost to your spiritual growth or maybe a lift out of a spiritual slump, then this post is for you! I’ll share some of my findings that revitalized my relationship with God and helped me to grow in the knowledge of Jesus.
Back to the Basics to Grow in the Knowledge of Jesus
Even though I had been praying, reading, and studying my bible every day, I hadn’t been specifically seeking Jesus. The Lord brought it to my attention that I was learning and sharing many good things from His word, but not the best thing.
I had drifted without realizing it. So God brought me back to the basics of the faith- knowing and loving Jesus so I could share Him with others and glorify God.
How do you approach your bible? Do you read to find an answer to your problems or direction for your life? Or do you read to get something to share on social media or with someone else? Or to find verses to apply to your life or boost your self-esteem?
The way to know Jesus better is to be intentional with your time in the word, and discover exactly what He said and did, and what he will do in the future.
2Peter 3:18 KJV ~ But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
A King and His Kingdom
The bible is a manual for our lives, a book of encouragement, and a love letter to us from God himself. But it’s not predominantly any of those things.
Foremost, the bible is a book about Jesus. It reveals to us the character, care, calling, and convictions of the King of all the earth and the characteristics of His Kingdom.
It is all about Him, not about us.
Remembering His Awesomeness as I Grow in the Knowledge of Jesus
As I read throughout the Psalms, I made a list in my journal about who God was revealing himself to be and, in turn, what that meant to me.
- God is my Hope ~ so I am helped.
- God is my Trust ~ so I am blessed.
- He is my Rescuer ~ so I am safe.
- He is my Rock ~ so I am confident.
- The Lord is my Deliverer ~ so I am bold.
- He is my Destiny ~ so I am joyful.
Those reminders of His awesomeness were like a booster shot of faith and peace. God Isn’t Just Good, He’s Great!
The path of spiritual maturity is paved with rocks of remembrance. Share on X
A Proper Perspective of Jesus
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Maybe you’re a stressed-out servant like Martha from Luke 10:38-42. You can be transformed into a peaceful servant as we see Martha afterward, in John chapter 12. She was then serving without complaint because her knowledge of Jesus was expanded.
Through multiple encounters with her friend Jesus, learning him, seeing the mighty power he held, Martha realized he was the promised Messiah. She proclaims her belief in him as the Christ, the Son of God. (John 11:27) And she witnessed him raise her dead brother back to life. (John 11)
Martha got a proper perspective of Jesus that gave her peace and a willing heart to do whatever he needed with joy. When we grow in the knowledge of Jesus, then even the messy and mundane things in life become easier to bear.
When we grow in the knowledge of Jesus, burdens are lifted, and anxiety is replaced with peace. Share on X
Remembering the Judgment as I Grow in the Knowledge of Jesus
This year our church’s ladies’ retreat theme was “Grow” based on 2 Peter 3:18, which tells us to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” I was a speaker, so in preparation, I read the book of 2 Peter every day.
In his final epistle, Peter warns of false prophets and the judgment to come; reminds of past judgments; instructs to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus.
Every single book of the Bible is relevant to our lives, but with the corruption, chaos, and confusion surrounding us today, 2Peter is so very fitting.
Remembering Stirs up Revival
Peter wrote with the purpose of stirring us up to seek Jesus so we can be steadfast in the faith.
Why? Because the end is near and judgment’s coming.
Not just for the unbelievers, but for the followers of Christ as well. Unbelievers face the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15), but believers will go to the Judgment Seat of Christ. (2Cor. 5:10-11)
Our works will be tried by fire, and hopefully, we have gold, silver, and precious stones that remain, because we lived for the glory of God. But anything done for our own glory, to impress or compete with someone else, or out of guilt or obligation, will just burn up. (1Corinthians 3:9-15)
As I continue to grow in the knowledge of Jesus daily, the Spirit repeatedly points me to verses about the End Times and the coming judgment. That makes me mindful of keeping my heart clean and staying the course for the glory of God.
Remembering God’s judgment rekindled my fear of the Lord, my reverence for him, and refueled my fervor for making his great name known.
Remembering His Love as I Grow in the Knowledge of Jesus
Another benefit of learning more about Jesus was the reminder of God’s great love for me.
By faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we begin a love relationship with God that goes on for eternity. No matter what we do, or say, or how we live, that relationship will never end.
Nothing can break the bond we have with Christ. And oh my, how he loves us!
Not just when we’re doing the right thing and obeying his word, but all the time, Jesus loves us. That’s really good news for perfectionists and people pleasers- God’s love for us is not performance-based.
John 15:9 KJV ~ As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
You Can Grow in the Knowledge of Jesus too
Seeking to know Jesus more gave me a deeper understanding of his character, his heart, and my desperate need to be in close fellowship with him constantly.
Changing the way I approached my quiet time with Jesus got my focus off of my feelings, and back on what matters– God’s glory, God’s Son, and God’s Word. The Lord restored my zeal as He reminded me of His awesomeness, judgment, and His abundant love for me.
You can grow in the knowledge of Jesus, too. Just grab your bible and a journal (see below), and begin with prayer. Then look for the attributes of Jesus as you read and write those down in your journal. Record the quotes of Christ that stand out to you and anything you learn about Jesus. Doing so will give you wisdom about the true Jesus and will mold you into His image.
Articles related to knowing God more:
How to Be a Good and Faithful Steward of God
What Does it Mean to Be Saved?
The Power of Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth
Renew Your Mind and Revive Your Heart with ‘It is Written’
Get a My Jesus Journal!
I just designed and published a journal to help women on their journey to know Jesus more. My Jesus Journal is a tool to help you focus your time in the word on learning more about the Lord and cultivate a closer relationship with Christ.
Intended to be used alongside your daily Bible reading, My Jesus Journal has space to record the date, the scriptures you read, and lined spaces to write your observations about Jesus you saw in the text. At the bottom of that page is a verse from the KJV Bible about Jesus. The next page is for writing your prayers related to what you discovered in your reading. And there are extra prayer pages in the back.
Beautiful, portable, and affordable
If you are looking for a tool to help you grow in your knowledge of Jesus, build intimacy into your relationship with Him, and deepen your love for the Lord, then My Jesus Journal is just what you need!
Beautifully designed with your spiritual growth in mind, My Jesus Journal is perfectly sized to fit into your purse, backpack, or diaper bag. You can grow on the go when you use wait times in the Doctor’s office, the carpool line, etc. for Bible study.
My Jesus Journal is very affordable, so you can purchase just one for yourself, a couple for some friends, or consider buying one for your entire ministry, to begin a season of seeking Jesus together. It makes an excellent gift for any Christian woman in your life!
Pray With Confidence
Prayer helps us grow in the knowledge of Jesus. If you would like to grow in your prayer life, then check out Pray with Confidence. It’s a website for helping women overcome prayer obstacles, and I am one of the monthly contributors. Here are some links I think will be a blessing to you:
When Your Prayer for Pain Relief Goes Unanswered
3 Short Prayers for Spiritual Stability
19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God
Check out the prayer resources, Bible verses, and tough questions tabs as well. There are many great options for your spiritual growth!
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