Recently I shared some of my insecurities in the post titled Confident in Christ. Â One of the things I mentioned was how the Lord uses his word to clear the haze of insecurity. He gives me more Savior-confidence, not self-confidence. He teaches me how to be secure in the Savior.
How to Be Secure in the Savior
- Identify the cause of insecurity.
- Investigate who God is.
- Implement truth.
Part of defeating insecurity is becoming confident in who God says you are, instead of believing the lies from the world, the flesh, and the devil. The other part is having intimate knowledge of God as your Maker, Father, and Savior. But before we can be secure in our Savior, we have to know what causes us to be overtaken by insecurity.
God's character and care for us must be deeply ingrained into the fabric of our heart, mind, and soul, for us to be secure in our Savior. Share on X
What causes us to be overtaken by insecurity?
It’s not the situation we are thrust into, but ultimately where our heart and mind are at during the moment that causes insecurity. We will be insecure if we are lacking these 5 things:
- Lacking fellowship with Christ. When we spend time with Jesus in prayer and in his word, he guards our hearts and renews our minds. He reminds us of his love and gives us the strength we need to endure the trials and tribulations that come our way. Without this fellowship with Christ, we will feel unloved, unguarded, and unstable.
- Lacking fellowship with believers. True biblical fellowship is centered around the word of God, on the common ground of the gospel, with like-minded believers. It is how we edify and equip each other, for the glory of God. It’s more than sharing a meal, it’s enjoying the Christian life together. If we do not have biblical fellowship we lack accountability, encouragement, discipleship, and wise counsel. Biblical fellowship also provides acceptance, and without it, we can feel like an outsider, insecure, and alone.
Insecurity is avoidable
- Lacking obedience to the word. Obedience to the Bible is a necessary part of the believer’s life. We have to lay down our will and walk according to his will. We can’t go our own way and expect the blessings and promises of God to be ours. When we don’t obey the word of God we make ourselves vulnerable to the attacks of the devil. Disobedience creates distance between us and the Lord. We cannot have true fellowship with Christ without obedience to the scriptures.
- Lacking a sober mind. A sober mind is a sound, disciplined mind that filters every situation through what God’s word says to be true. If we don’t have a sober mind, then we will believe every lie that the enemy spews our way. Our thoughts drive our emotions, so if we think we don’t belong or measure up, then we will feel insecure. It is vital to our spiritual growth and stability to possess a sober mind!
- Lacking a Spirit-filled life. A sober mind and Spirit-filled living go hand in hand. If we feel invisible, inferior, or insignificant, that is an indicator that our mind isn’t sober, and we aren’t walking in the Spirit. God tells us to walk in the Spirit so we don’t fulfill the lusts of our flesh (Galatians 5:16), and that there will be evidence of the Spirit’s leading in our life (Galatians 5:22-23). Insecurity is not on that list of fruit!
Investigate who God is
To be secure in the Savior we have to identify the cause of the insecurity in our lives, and then investigate who God is. We must anchor our souls with the scriptures to keep us secure in our Savior because God reveals himself to us through the pages of his word. Doing this enables us to withstand the waves of insecurity instead of drowning in them. Â
Romans 10:11~ For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
The Lord will be your strength, stability, and security in times of need, but you have to seek His face, search for His attributes, and study His promises, to have confidence in Him.
If you want to learn the Lord, read, memorize, meditate on, pray, and recite the scriptures. The book of Psalms is a fabulous place to start. The Psalms are songs, poems, and prayers of adoration, conviction, and supplications. They are beautiful, inspiring, and insightful.
Another great place to understand who God is and how he operates is the book of John. The apostle John writes to reveal the deity of Christ and to record the ministry that Jesus had to declare to the world the compassion, care, and character of the Father.
John 5:39~ Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
Implement Truth
Fighting insecurity takes intentionality. We have to be intentional to direct our thoughts off of the scary situation and onto the Provider and Protector of our souls. To be secure in the Savior also takes action.
- Find a scripture you can memorize and recite when a wave of insecurity rolls in.
- Pray before and during events that could cause you insecurity.
- Enlist a mature and trusted prayer partner to cover you in prayer.
- Immerse yourself in the word of God and get to know your Savior, because the more you know him, then the more you will trust him.
- Apply the word of God when the world, the flesh, and the devil tempt you to be anxious and afraid, and you will defeat insecurity in your life!
Psalm 119:114~ Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.
More on insecurity:
If you want to be secure in the Savior, then go to the word of God to learn him so you can lean on him. You will also want to check out my next post titled “I AM” to discover who Jesus declared himself to be, and what that means for you.
How to be Sober in Stressful Times
Free Devotional in my Resource Library
On my “Resources” page I added several new tools for spiritual growth. The most recent being the “7 Days to More Peace of Mind” devotional bundle! It includes 7 devotions, scripture lists, quotes, and poems, all on the topic of worry. I’m selling 7 Days to More Peace of Mind as an eBook on Amazon, but I’m offering it to my email subscribers for FREE!Â
There is also a “How to Study the Bible” handbook in that resource library, which is a 17-page guide with step-by-step instructions, study sheets, study guidelines, and more!
To tap into all the goodies, just enter your email address in the “subscribe” section of this page.
When you subscribe, then you will get a confirmation email with the password to my Resource Library, and receive my blog posts in your email inbox as well.
(If you are already subscribed to Daily His Disciple, just email me and I will send you the link and password!)
Pray With Confidence
Prayer helps us to be secure in the Savior. If you would like to grow in your prayer life, then check out Pray with Confidence. It’s a website for helping women overcome prayer obstacles, and I am one of the monthly contributors. Here are a few links I think will be a blessing to you:
3 Short Prayers for Spiritual Stability
19 Bible Verses that Reveal the Will of God
Check out the prayer resources, Bible verses, and tough questions tabs as well. There are many great options to boost your spiritual growth!
Loved this line – To get victory over insecurity we don’t need a higher view of self, we need a higher view of our Savior.
So true!
Thank you for sharing!!
absolute truth here……. love the line “you can’t trust someone you don’t know” …. amen. Getting to truly know the Lord is time very well spent. Love it!
Beautifully written!